
South Dakota Community Protects Wheat and Corn Profits with Diacon® Products.

Diacon® products helped create confidence and comfort for one operation the first winter after the products were implemented.

“If I stored the wheat too long, we always had problems. I’d have to treat it with toxic gas if the elevator wouldn’t accept it, and I never liked working with the stuff. Since we started using Diacon, we’ve never had any more problems with insects. I can store my wheat longer because I’m confident in the product.” – Rodney DeLange

South Dakota Grower Credits Diacon® IGR for Delivering “Perfect Grades” on Premium Commodities

By using Diacon® IGR, one operation has stopped worrying about sunflower loads getting rejected because of insect infestations.

“Since we have started using Diacon products on all of our commodities going to an end user, we’ve received perfect grades and no rejections. I love it. My drivers also like using Diacon a lot more than the dust we’d been using and no longer complain about a bad smell.” – Chet Edinger

A Trusted Name in Wheat Education Trusts His Wheat to Diacon® IGR

One Missouri man who shares the latest updates and best practices on wheat production with his community trusts his grain protection to Diacon® IGR.

“I’ve been using Diacon® IGR for about three years now, and it’s just a better option for us than any other method I’ve tried for protecting stored wheat from insects. It’s less expensive than other methods we’ve tried, and there are several things about it I like better.” – Mel Gerber

Diacon® IGR Treatments Help Lessen Economic Hit from Drought

One operation cashed in on a harvest that was able to be stored for more than a year during the 2012 drought with help from Diacon® IGR.

“We’ve used Diacon® IGR for more than three years, and we knew we could trust our crops with it. Even after 20 months in storage, the wheat came out practically bug free, and the return we earned justified our faith in the product.” – Doug Crook

Farmers Grain Terminal Trusts Diacon® IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide for Unmatched Stored Grain Protection

Diacon® IGR combo has helped one operation prevent granary weevil infestations.

“I was overwhelmed with the success we experienced in the corn storage piles we treated with the Diacon® IGR combo. We literally saw no granary weevils in the treated corn, but still had a large infestation in the untreated corn stored in grain tanks. Treating only half of the corn storage was a great visual check for our facility and prompted us to confidently make the complete switch to a Diacon® IGR combo.” – Ronald Ferrell

North Dakota Farmer Relies on Diacon®-D IGR to Meet High Quality Standards for Malting Barley

One operation trusts Diacon®-D IGR to help produce malting barley that meets the stringent contractual obligations of beer companies.

“The companies using my malting barley have the industry’s strictest purchasing and malting standards, so it’s important that there are zero bugs in the malting barley that ships out of my operation. We started using Diacon®-D IGR in all of our small grain last year and have not found one bug in our grain since.” – Doyle Lentz
