Diacon® IGR
A versatile liquid formulation that is excellent for control of lesser grain borers, Indian meal moths, saw-toothed grain beetles and other stored product insects.
- Labeled for all stored commodities
- The active ingredient (S)-methoprene
- Broad-spectrum control
- Apply directly to grain stream
- Apply as a fogging concentrate or a surface spray
- CODEX Approved
- CODEX Approved for Peanuts
- Perfect tank-mix partner with Centynal™ EC Insecticide
- EPA Tolerance Exempt
Application of Diacon® IGR is approved virtually everywhere stored product insects are a problem — farm storage, large silos, seed storage and more. It goes where stored product insects go, interrupting their life cycles, providing long-term control and profit protection.
- 4 oz per 1,000 bushels of commodity
- 1 ml treats 1,000 square feet of grain surface as a top dressing
- 3 ml treats 10,000 cubic feet of warehouse area
- Always follow label directions
- Application rates vary by commodity, see label for complete directions.
- Bug Free Grains Catalog
- Bug Free Grains Product Brochure
- Bug Free Grains Product Q&A
- Diacon® IGR Brochure
- Diacon® IGR Milling Sell Sheet
- Diacon® IGR Peanut Sell Sheet
- Diacon® IGR Sunflower Seed Sell Sheet
- Diacon® IGR/Centynal™ Insecticide/PBO-8® Synergist Stored Rice Sheet
- Strategies to Control Weevils in Grain Storage Facilities
- Tips and Tricks Fact Sheet