Confused Flour Beetle

(Tribolium confusum)

Description: Reddish-brown body 1/8” long; antennae gradually expand toward end; flightless.

Life Cycle: Minimum 42 days; can live 18 months

Feeding Habits: Primarily feed on grain dust, broken kernels and the milled grains in flour and cereal.

Signs of Infestation: Foul odor and taste in products they infest; presence of adult insects, shed skins and fecal matter.

Control Tips: Clean and spray grain bins with Gravista® Insecticide prior to grain storage. For treatments of six months or longer, inspect and treat incoming grain with Gravista® Insecticide; monitor grain throughout storage period. To bring a boost to short-term grain storage of six months or less, and for rescue treatments, treat with Centynal™ Synergized Insecticide.

Application Tips: When treating flowing grain on belts or at transitions, 2 or more nozzles are recommended; during auger or conveyor cup application, fewer nozzles may be used; position nozzles for full coverage of grain stream; avoid spraying onto sides of auger boots. Calibrate protectant flow rate and check often to help ensure proper application. Use automated switches to turn chemical pumps on when there is grain in the system and turn off when no grain is present.
