An Evolution in Stored Grain Protection

Insect infestations in stored grain are more than just an inconvenience, these tiny insects degrade grain in storage. It is estimated that the US agriculture industry loses upwards of $2.5 billion per year as a result of stored grains lost to insect infestations. It’s necessary to protect your stored grain from these damaging bugs to both sustain the quality of your grain and protect your bottom line. The Bug Free Grains team at Central Life Sciences is committed to ensuring you have the best and most efficient protectants for your stored grain.

Customers asked for a product that eliminates the need for tank-mixing, and Central Life Sciences answered. We expanded our Bug Free Grains lineup with two innovative products to get the job done. Gravista® Insecticide and Centynal™ Synergized Insecticide help prevent and control some of the toughest insects found to invade grain. But how do they work?

Gravista® Insecticide

Gravista® Insecticide is a 3-in-1 product with an adulticide, an insect growth regulator (IGR) and a synergist. It both kills labeled insects and breaks their life cycles. Gravista® Insecticide is approved for use on wheat, corn, rice and other labeled grains and seeds, including cereal grains, and is CODEX approved.

Gravista® Insecticide works effectively to control several listed pests such as Indian meal moths, red flour beetles and rice weevils. See the label for a full list of controlled pests. The product can be directly applied to the grain or as an empty-bin, warehouse or perimeter* treatment.

*Not for use in California.

Centynal™ Synergized Insecticide

Centynal™ Synergized Insecticide combines an adulticide and a synergist to boost short-term grain storage and provide rescue treatments to help eliminate even the toughest insects. Like Gravista® Insecticide, Centynal™ Synergized Insecticide is approved for use on wheat, corn, rice and other labeled grains. It is also CODEX approved for cereal grains.

Revamp your Insect Control

Central Life Sciences is continuing to develop and evolve our products to give you the most effective grain protectant solutions for stored grain. Gravista® Insecticide and Centynal™ Synergized Insecticide are the newest in our Bug Free Grains lineup. For a full list of our insect growth regulators, synergists and insecticides designed specifically for stored grains, visit


Stay up to date with the latest information and tips on how to keep bugs off your grain.
